Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
U Ethical Growth Portfolio UGL0002AU starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 4.23% 17.73% 10.88%
Vanguard Diversified High Growth ETF starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 6.49% 19.23% 9.78%
Vanguard High Growth Index VAN0111AU starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 6.48% 19.24% 9.77%
Ventura High Growth 100 VEN0009AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.43% 18.82% 9.02%
Vision Growth Pension starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.87% 16.18% 9.31%
Vision Growth Super starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.36% 14.53% 8.37%
Vision Growth TTR starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.36% 14.53% 8.37%
West State Growth Super starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.39% 16.45% 8.33%
Zurich Account-based Pension - (FIP) - Managed Share ZUR0006AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.67% 16.01% 9.07%
Zurich Retirement Policy - Managed Share ZUR0120AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.33% 15.47% 8.80%
Zurich Superannuation Plan - Managed Share Fund ZUR0050AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.15% 14.64% 8.20%
Zurich Term Allocated Pension - Managed Share ZUR0490AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 5.67% 16.01% 9.07%
Aberdeen Private Investment High Growth (Closed) CSA0119AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 10.13% -10.04% -4.16%
AGEST Pension - Growth Fund (Closed) starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 4.25% 14.82% 4.57%
AGEST Super - Growth Fund (Closed) starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 3.74% 13.39% 4.11%
AIA SAP - Fidelity Perpetual Splt Growth (Closed) PRU0531AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 4.18% 0.69% 7.47%
AIA SPS - Fidelity Perpetual Splt Growth (Closed) PRU0477AU starstarstarstar Multisector Aggressive 3.73% -0.08% 6.25%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - AMP All Growth (Closed) AMP0166AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 0.74% 22.87% 8.03%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - AMP LifeStages Estblmt (Closed) AMP0299AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 7.44% 18.68% 15.72%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - AMP LifeStages Growth (Closed) AMP0300AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 6.59% 17.59% 14.78%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - Future Directions High Growth (Closed) AMP0657AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 0.84% 23.43% 7.69%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime & Custom Super - High Growth Index (Closed) AMP1523AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 1.22% 22.95% 8.54%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime Allocated Pension - High Growth Index (Closed) AMP1535AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 1.28% 24.55% 8.92%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime Allocated Pension - Professional High Growth (Closed) AMP1950AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 1.11% 26.98% 9.36%
AMP - Flexible Lifetime Super - Professional High Growth (Closed) AMP1957AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 1.32% 25.22% 8.77%

201 - 225 of 481 results

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