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Over the past 10 years, 74% of funds have underperformed their industry standard benchmark.
Funds underperforming
their benchmark
Average underperformance
$640 Billion
Funds under management
Average fees per year
Data sourced from Morningstar. Find out more
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1. Fund Performance Comparison as at {{fund.returnDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}

Relative Fund Performance vs {{ fund.benchmark.peers.peerCount }} peers and {{ }} (Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.) Data sourced from Morningstar. Find out more

{{ }}
{{ }}

You could pay less for better returns. {{ }} Portfolio
3. Is your fund a dud? Here's what to do next
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How to assess your managed fund & how to choose your next one.
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The {{ }} Portfolio provides a similar asset allocation to the managed fund {{ }}.
Our fee is only 0.55% p.a. and they are capped at $550 p.a.*
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We’re here to help you achieve your financial goals

Effie Zahos Effie Zahos
Effie Zahos
Effie is one of Australia’s leading personal finance commentators with more than two decades of experience helping Australians make the most of their money. A regular money expert on Channel 9’s Today Show and on radio around Australia, Effie is also the author of The Great $20 Adventure and A Real Girl’s Guide to Money and Ditch the Debt and Get Rich.
Wealth creator
Money expert
Paul Clitheroe Paul Clitheroe
Paul Clitheroe, AM
Paul has 37 years of investment experience and is regarded one of Australia's leading "money" experts. From 1993 to 2002, Paul hosted the popular Channel 9 program Money and now currently writes for newspapers across Australia, is a frequent guest expert on Australia's major television networks and radio.
Paul is Chairman of The Australian Government Financial Literacy Board and Money Magazine. He also holds the Chair of Financial Literacy at Macquarie University.
Alan Kohler Alan Kohler
Alan Kohler, AM
Alan has been covering business and markets as a financial journalist for 48 years, including two stints as the Financial Review’s Chanticleer columnist and periods as editor of The Age and the AFR. He also started Eureka Report in 2005 and Business Spectator in 2007.
As well as being Editor-in-Chief of InvestSMART Group, Alan is currently finance presenter on ABC News, Business Editor at Large of The Australian, presenter of the Talking Business channel on Qantas radio and an adjunct professor in the business faculty at Victoria University.
Founder-Eureka Report