Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Pension - Baillie Gif LT Global Growth FSF1213AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 17.97% 37.94% 2.51%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Pension - Generation Global Share FSF0912AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 6.74% 20.02% 5.57%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Pension - Hyperion Global Growth Comp FSF7181AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 27.74% 49.00% 13.31%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Pension - Stewart Investment Ww Leaders Sustainability FSF0548AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 6.80% 19.62% 6.92%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Pension - T. Rowe Price Global Equity FSF0553AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 10.39% 30.87% 5.74%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Baillie Gif LT Global Growth FSF1227AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 16.05% 33.33% 2.22%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Generation Global Share FSF0913AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 5.97% 17.96% 5.04%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Hyperion Global Growth Comp FSF6719AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 24.23% 43.11% 11.69%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - Stewart Investment Ww Leaders Sustainability FSF0621AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 6.15% 17.95% 6.51%
Colonial FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super - T. Rowe Price Global Equity FSF0626AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 9.20% 27.43% 5.16%
Colonial Managed Investment Funds - Stewart Investment Ww Leaders Sustainability FSF0048AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 6.67% 19.45% 6.85%
Fidelity Global Demographics FID0023AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.05% 18.11% 5.22%
Fidelity Global Demographics ETF starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.05% 17.87% 5.12%
Fidelity Global Equities FID0007AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 11.89% 25.20% 10.04%
Fidelity Wholesale Plus Global Equities BTA0551AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 11.84% 25.75% 10.54%
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Class A AMP7497AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 7.22% 11.03% 2.37%
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Class Hedged AMP8506AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 7.23% 11.05% 2.37%
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Class Open DAM0960AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 7.27% 11.24% 2.55%
Franklin Global Growth A FRT0009AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.11% 13.52% 1.82%
Franklin Global Growth M FRT0010AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.14% 13.68% 1.97%
Generation Hyperion Global Growth Companies ALL4510AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 26.21% 45.05% 13.44%
GQG Partners Global Equity Fund ETL7377AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.50% 31.30% 16.91%
GQG Partners Global Equity Z ETL2869AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.55% 31.45% 17.09%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies A WHT0070AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 30.71% 53.25% 13.99%
Hyperion Global Growth Companies B WHT8435AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 29.55% 52.53% 14.26%

26 - 50 of 281 results

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