Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Skandia Global Super Solutions - Skandia CstmCh Australian Shares (Closed) ASK0781AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -20.38% -40.54% -4.04%
Solaris Core Australian Equity PFO (Closed) WHT0017AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -1.56% 0.50% 6.40%
Solaris High Alpha Australian Equities Inst (Closed) WHT0010AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -21.23% -11.24% 2.65%
Solaris High Alpha Australian Equities Retail (Closed) WHT0016AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -21.41% -12.04% 1.69%
Souls Select Australian Share (Closed) VIM0002AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 12.31% 25.64% 5.69%
Spirit Australian Shares Pension (Closed) starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 7.85% 21.58% 8.40%
Spirit Australian Shares Super (Closed) starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 7.14% 19.53% 7.59%
Spirit Australian Shares TTR (Closed) starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 7.14% 19.53% 7.59%
SSgA Australian SAM Sustainability Index (Closed) VAN0122AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 6.69% 22.36% 7.49%
SST - Alphinity Wholesale Australian Share Fund Pension (Closed) SSP0032AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -3.04% 8.69% 12.58%
SST - Alphinity Wholesale Australian Share Fund Super (Closed) SSP0033AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 9.93% 26.41% 11.37%
SST - BlackRock Scientific Australian Equities Super (Closed) SSP0019AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 13.93% 28.67% 7.97%
SST - BT Wholesale Focus Australian Share Pension (Closed) SSP0028AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -3.85% 3.25% 11.25%
SST - BT Wholesale Focus Australian Share Super (Closed) SSP0029AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 4.94% 14.02% 2.53%
SST - Fidelity Australian Equities Pension (Closed) SSP0038AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 10.70% 25.78% 10.47%
SST - Fidelity Australian Equities Super (Closed) SSP0039AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 8.99% 24.13% 10.91%
SST - Russell Australian Share Pension (Closed) SSP0077AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 11.53% 27.87% 10.75%
SST - Russell Australian Share Super (Closed) SSP0076AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 9.70% 23.00% 8.79%
SST - Schroder Australian Equity S Class Super (Closed) SSP0061AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 66.73% 90.57% 22.77%
SST BlackRock Scientific Australian Equity P (Closed) SSP0018AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -2.93% 6.51% 0.60%
Statewide Super Australian Shares (Pensions) (Closed) starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 3.16% 18.63% 13.49%
Statewide Super Australian Shares (Super) (Closed) starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 2.95% 17.11% 12.31%
Suncorp Brighter Super Business - BT Wholesale Imputation (Closed) RSA0902AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -0.82% 2.89% 12.55%
Suncorp Brighter Super Business - Fidelity Australian Equities (Closed) RSA0923AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 1.21% -4.71% 5.45%
Suncorp Brighter Super Business - Suncorp Australian Shares Index (Closed) RSA0995AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -0.35% 3.09% 10.70%

1001 - 1025 of 1079 results

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