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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Legal Super Overseas Shares Super starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.41% 29.22% 10.32%
Legal Super Overseas Shares TTR starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 9.41% 29.22% 10.32%
LIB - Antipodes Global LIF6992AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Value 3.41% 13.08% 5.38%
LIB - Dimensional Global Core Equity Trust LIF8119AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.08% 19.65% 7.91%
LIB - Hyperion Global Growth Companies LIF0628AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 21.74% 36.92% 10.39%
LIB - T.Rowe Price Global Equity Fund LIF8726AU starstarstar Equity World Large Growth 8.00% 21.68% 4.32%
LIB - Vanguard International Shares Index LIF0134AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.93% 22.32% 8.67%
Loftus Peak Global Disruption MMC0110AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 14.54% 41.65% 15.99%
Loftus Peak Global Disruption Managed Fund ETF starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 14.54% 41.65% 15.99%
Loomis Sayles Global Equity IML0341AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 17.36% 38.00% 11.67%
Loomis Sayles Global Equity Quoted Managed IML3289AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 17.30% 37.89% 11.79%
Macquarie International Equities MAQ0422AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 12.03% 31.08% 12.32%
Macquarie Professional Series Global Equity MAQ0847AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.76% 26.86% 11.21%
Macquarie True Index International Equities MAQ0633AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 12.12% 31.11% 12.22%
Magellan Global (Open Class) starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.81% 29.63% 10.05%
Magellan Global Open Class MGE0001AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.82% 29.63% 10.06%
Mercer Indexed International Shares ADV0056AU starstarstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.90% 30.84% 12.23%
Mercer International Shares Fund MIN0015AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.43% 29.62% 10.87%
Mercer Multi-manager International Shares Wholesale BTA0261AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.24% 25.75% 9.63%
Mercer Passive International Shares NCL0004AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 12.00% 30.91% 12.14%
Mercer Socially Responsible Shares Fund Unhedged NCL4039AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.87% 24.59% 5.95%
Mercer T. Rowe Price Global Fcs Equities MPS WFS1338AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 11.17% 30.28% 7.62%
Mercer Wellington Global Equity MPS WFS5913AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.19% 19.54% 10.50%
MFS Blended Research Global Equity Trust ETL0402AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 10.33% 30.42% 13.84%
MFS Concentrated Global Equity Trust Wholesale ETL0172AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 8.25% 16.30% 5.04%

276 - 300 of 476 results

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