Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Janus Henderson Tactical Income IOF0145AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.93% 5.16% 3.25%
Janus Henderson Tactical Income Active ETF HGI7649AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.93% 5.15% 3.24%
JPMorgan Global Strategic Bond Fund PER0727AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income -0.24% 4.01% 1.91%
Kapstream Absolute Return Income HOW0052AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.54% 6.63% 3.88%
Kapstream Absolute Return Income Active ETF starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.43% 6.39% 4.07%
Kapstream Absolute Return Income Class I HOW0165AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.56% 6.75% 4.01%
Kapstream Absolute Return Income Plus I HOW8743AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.83% 8.20% 5.32%
Kapstream Absolute Return Income X HOW1327AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.56% 6.73% 3.99%
Kapstream Wholesale Plus Absolute Return Income BTA0539AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.56% 6.76% 4.01%
Keyview Flagship Fund RSM8774AU starstarstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.97% 11.24% 12.02%
LIB - Altius Bond Fund LIF2737AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.37% 2.00% 0.57%
LIB - Pendal Fixed Interest Fund LIF6118AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.27% 1.57% -0.94%
LIB - PIMCO Equities Wholesale Australian Bond Fund Open LIF0706AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.03% 2.17% -0.79%
LIB - T.Rowe Price Dynamic Global Bond Fund LIF7900AU starstarstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.77% 2.64% 0.39%
LIB - Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Open LIF0132AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.32% 1.47% -1.09%
Lifeplan Education Savings Plan - Capital Secure LIF0009AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.59% 1.90% 1.39%
Lifeplan Tax Minimiser - Investment Bond Enhanced Yield LIF0023AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.16% 3.43% 1.89%
Lifeplan TaxSmart - Cash Enhanced Option LIF0020AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia n/a n/a n/a
Macquarie Australian Fixed Interest MAQ0061AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.28% 3.12% -0.48%
Macquarie Core Australian Fixed Interest MAQ0446AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.25% 3.18% -0.42%
Macquarie Enhanced Australian Fixed Interest MAQ0107AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.26% 4.00% -0.14%
Macquarie Master Enhanced Fixed Interest MAQ0180AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.29% 2.94% -0.72%
Macquarie True Index Australian Fixed Interest MAQ0211AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.27% 2.93% -0.79%
Macquarie True Index Sovereign Bond MAQ0636AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.55% 2.26% -1.46%
Macquarie Wholesale Australian FxdIntstO AMP0981AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.38% 2.97% -0.92%

101 - 125 of 211 results

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