Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Coolabah Active Composite Bond Fund ETL2716AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.32% 5.81% 1.25%
Coolabah Short-term Income Assisted Investment SLT0052AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.49% 5.97% 4.01%
Coolabah Short-term Income Base Fee ETL8504AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.51% 5.92% 3.98%
Coolabah Short-term Income Direct Investment SLT0051AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.51% 6.10% 4.15%
Coolabah Short-term Income Institutional A SLT7141AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.54% 6.23% 4.28%
CVW WF - CLAL Index Fixed Interest Sup CVW0007AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.33% 2.41% -1.87%
Daintree Core Income Trust WPC1963AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.84% 8.06% 4.34%
Daintree Core Income Trust Active ETF starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.18% 7.76% 4.23%
Daintree High Income Trust AUD Unit Cl WPC1583AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 2.27% 9.97% 4.79%
Daintree Hybrid Opportunities WPC2054AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 3.38% 9.85% 2.64%
DDH Fixed Interest DDH0006AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.29% 3.06% -0.79%
Fortlake Real - Higher Income TAL0284AU starstarstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 4.91% 13.22% 10.78%
Fortlake Real - Income TAL0590AU starstarstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 3.31% 10.65% 11.14%
Franklin Australian Absolute Return Bond A FRT0027AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.47% 6.04% 2.28%
Franklin Australian Absolute Return Bond M FRT0028AU starstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.49% 6.11% 2.37%
Futurity Sectoral Active Australian Fixed Income SA2 FIG0474AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.13% 1.98% -0.99%
Generation PIMCO Wholesale Australian Bond ALL0016AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.18% 1.92% -1.20%
IOOF Income Trust PIM0003AU starstarstarstar Unconstrained Fixed Income 1.04% 6.32% 3.84%
IOOF WB Fixed Interest Fund IOF0008AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.02% 2.16% 0.17%
IOOF WB Income - Henderson IOF0242AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.46% 2.92% 1.59%
iShares Australian Bond Index BGL0105AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.30% 2.79% -0.94%
iShares Core Composite Bond ETF starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.28% 2.87% -0.86%
iShares Core Corporate Bond ETF starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.68% 5.34% 1.42%
iShares ESG Australian Bond Index D BLK2127AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.32% 2.80% -0.86%
iShares ESG Australian Bond Index S BLK3501AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia -0.30% 2.90% -0.76%

76 - 100 of 211 results

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