Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
AUI Mortgage Income Trust Wholesale (Closed) AUS0116AU starstarstarstar Mortgages 0.12% -0.33% -2.47%
AUI Office Property Fund (Closed) starstarstar Unlisted and Direct Property 5.92% 17.31% 10.27%
AUI Property Income Fund R (Closed) YOC0001AU starstarstar Unlisted and Direct Property 5.00% 16.97% 9.88%
AUI Property Securities Fund Income (Closed) GEM0112AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate 0.32% -7.42% n/a
AUI Seres Asian Equity Opportunities (Closed) AUS0038AU starstarstarstar Alternative - Other n/a -16.35% 3.44%
AUI Vianova Core Plus Wholesale (Closed) AUS0033AU starstarstar Bonds - Global / Australia 3.33% 6.70% 7.25%
Aurora Sandringham Global Income Trust (Closed) ETL0170AU starstarstarstar Alternative - Other -4.62% -1.56% 5.34%
Ausbil 130/30 Focus - Institutional (Closed) AAP0003AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 8.21% 21.42% 6.71%
Australian Unity - Defined Income Trust (Closed) SBC0001AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 2.94% 10.75% 5.97%
Australian Unity - Leaders Imputation Trust (Closed) SBC0004AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 10.41% 35.70% 26.84%
Australian Unity - Wholesale Defined Income Trust (Closed) SBC0006AU starstarstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 3.20% 11.63% 6.88%
Australian Unity - Wholesale Leaders Imputation Trust (Closed) OCE0011AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 10.55% 36.07% 27.76%
Aviva Investors Personal Australian Fixed Interest (Closed) NFS0061AU starstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.24% 3.77% 2.91%
Aviva Investors Prof Income Plus Growth (Closed) PPL0103AU starstarstar Multisector Moderate 6.26% -2.44% -0.06%
Aviva Investors Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest (Closed) NFS0207AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 0.36% 4.69% 3.90%
Aviva Investors Wholesale Small Companies (Closed) starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth -0.91% -46.62% -7.96%
AXA - Diversified Capital Stable (Closed) NML0332AU starstarstar Multisector Moderate -4.06% -8.97% -1.71%
AXA - PB - BT Balanced Wholesale (Closed) NML0742AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth -6.06% -15.97% 0.61%
AXA - PB - BT Balanced Wholesale (Mature) (Closed) NML0392AU starstarstar Multisector Growth -7.11% -18.26% -0.22%
AXA - PB - Invesco Investment Growth (M) (Closed) NML0384AU starstarstar Multisector Growth -8.42% -20.47% -1.14%
AXA - PB - Macquarie Balanced (Mature) (Closed) NML0386AU starstarstar Multisector Growth -8.56% -18.29% 0.33%
AXA - PB - Macquarie Balanced Investment (Closed) NML0738AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth -7.01% -16.63% 0.93%
AXA - PB - MLM Balanced (Mature) (Closed) NML0389AU starstarstar Multisector Growth -7.60% -17.59% 0.91%
AXA - PB - MLM NTP Balanced NEF (Closed) NML0741AU starstarstar Multisector Growth -7.48% -18.18% -0.07%
AXA - PB - Mortgage Biased (Closed) NML0064AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Australia 1.15% 4.78% 4.07%

2226 - 2250 of 3369 results

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