Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
Nikko AM Imputation NEF (Closed) SUN0138AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 5.26% -3.24% 5.42%
Nikko AM International Bond (Closed) TYN0107AU starstarstar Bonds - Global -0.09% -0.14% 2.35%
Nikko AM New Asia (Closed) TGP0006AU starstarstar Equity Asia Pacific w/o Japan 11.55% -15.60% 1.85%
No.1 Martin Place Trust (Closed) MAQ0270AU starstarstarstar Miscellaneous 1.16% 8.27% 2.58%
Northward Capital Australian Equity Trust (Closed) MLC0841AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -3.17% -8.07% 7.45%
NZI Investment Bond - Australian (Managed) (Closed) ZUR0213AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 0.94% -12.47% -2.89%
OC 200 Equity (Closed) OPS0003AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Growth 5.35% -1.76% -6.19%
Omega Global Corporate Bond (Closed) WHT0023AU starstarstar Diversified Credit -0.77% -0.98% 3.90%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - Australian Shares EF (Closed) MMF0097AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -0.90% 8.34% 6.63%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - Australian Shares NE (Closed) MMF0096AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -0.96% 8.07% 6.36%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - International Share EF (Closed) MMF0105AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 3.01% 11.67% 10.03%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - International Share NE (Closed) MMF0100AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 2.95% 11.39% 9.75%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - Money Market EF (Closed) MMF0202AU starstarstar Australian Cash 0.71% 2.80% 2.02%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - OnePath Sustainability Investment Australian Shares EF (Closed) MMF1187AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -1.58% 8.13% 5.95%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - OnePath Sustainability Investment Australian Shares NE (Closed) MMF1188AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -1.64% 7.86% 5.68%
OnePath Investment Savings Bond - Optimix Property Securities NE (Closed) MMF0949AU starstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate -3.79% 7.31% 4.25%
OnePath OneAnswer - Frontier Investment Portfolio - OnePath High Growth (Closed) MMF1512AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 2.05% 2.33% 10.95%
OnePath OneAnswer - Investment Portfolio - ANZ Flexible Term Deposit EF (Closed) MMF1099AU starstarstar Australian Cash 0.82% 2.02% n/a
OnePath OneAnswer - Investment Portfolio - Challenger How Mortgage Trust (Closed) MMF0892AU starstarstar Mortgages 0.78% 2.89% 4.43%
OnePath OneAnswer - Investment Portfolio - ING Smaller Companies Growth (Closed) MMF0109AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Growth 8.85% -10.17% 23.49%
OnePath Wholesale - High Growth Trust (Closed) MMF0342AU starstarstar Multisector Aggressive 3.85% 9.08% 9.26%
OnePath Wholesale - Protected Growth (Closed) MMF1144AU starstarstarstarstar Miscellaneous -2.20% -30.07% -12.04%
OnePath Wholesale - Select Leaders ANZ0216AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 3.74% 8.17% 9.84%
OnePath Wholesale - Sustainable Investment Global Shares (Closed) MMF0336AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 2.39% -7.66% -0.19%
OnePath Wholesale Diversified Credit MMF0708AU starstarstar Diversified Credit 2.45% 6.66% 1.75%

3001 - 3025 of 3369 results

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