Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
IOOF OIS Barclays Hedged World Equities Index (Closed) ASK0245AU starstarstar Equity World - Currency Hedged 2.30% 45.42% -8.67%
IOOF OIS Barclays Listed Property Index (Closed) ASK0265AU starstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate 1.28% 39.09% -23.93%
IOOF OIS Barclays Overseas Bond Index (Closed) ASK0273AU starstarstar Bonds - Global 1.21% 6.21% 6.25%
IOOF OIS BlackRock Balanced (Closed) ASK0916AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth -0.55% 19.57% -2.36%
IOOF OIS Blended Global Shares (Closed) ASK0233AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 2.37% 29.69% -11.71%
IOOF OIS Blended Property (Closed) ASK0838AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Global Real Estate 2.57% 36.71% -17.07%
IOOF OIS Custom Choice Boutique Australian Shares (Closed) ASK0698AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -0.78% 47.66% -2.61%
IOOF OIS Fidelity Global Equities (Closed) ASK0248AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Blend 2.87% 11.17% -8.08%
IOOF OIS Growth with Income (Closed) ASK0229AU starstarstarstar Multisector Growth 0.97% 25.66% -2.32%
IOOF OIS GVI Global Industrial Share (Closed) ASK0914AU starstarstarstar Equity World - Currency Hedged 0.39% 19.64% -8.30%
IOOF OIS Hunter Hall Australian Value (Closed) ASK0239AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -5.08% 77.04% 0.06%
IOOF OIS Investors Mutual Australian ex-50 (Closed) ASK0240AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value 0.14% 40.20% -4.82%
IOOF OIS JBWere Diversified Growth (Closed) ASK0432AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 1.96% 26.63% -2.96%
IOOF OIS MFS Hedged Global Equity (Closed) ASK0700AU starstarstarstar Equity World - Currency Hedged 4.13% 47.54% -5.04%
IOOF OIS MFS Unhedged Global Equity (Closed) ASK0917AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Growth 1.34% 10.09% -8.28%
IOOF OIS Morgan Stanley Global Equity (Closed) ASK0250AU starstarstar Equity World Large Value 2.13% 0.33% -12.10%
IOOF OIS Perennial Australian Listed Property Securities (Closed) ASK0841AU starstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate 1.14% 33.69% -23.86%
IOOF OIS PIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest (Closed) ASK0271AU starstarstar Bonds - Global / Australia 2.89% 16.00% 6.21%
IOOF OIS PIMCO Global Credit (Closed) ASK0274AU starstarstarstarstar Diversified Credit 2.33% 21.30% 8.63%
IOOF OIS Platinum Asia (Closed) ASK0625AU starstarstarstar Equity Asia Pacific w/o Japan 1.59% 33.50% 5.06%
IOOF OIS Platinum International (Closed) ASK0251AU starstarstarstar Equity World Large Value 1.69% 17.74% 1.73%
IOOF OIS Schroder Australian Equity (Closed) ASK0243AU starstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 0.24% 52.68% -1.85%
IOOF OIS Schroder Balanced (Closed) ASK0628AU starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth 1.04% 29.85% -0.09%
IOOF OIS UBS Australian Share (Closed) ASK0244AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend -1.16% 56.90% 1.22%
IOOF OIS van Eyk Blueprint Balanced (Closed) ASK0629AU starstarstar Multisector Growth 1.00% 20.15% -3.44%

2676 - 2700 of 3369 results

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