Managed Funds

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Search Results

Fund name APIR Morningstar
Sector Returns
3 Mth. 1 Yr. 3 Yr.
CS Cash Management Trust (Closed) CSA0100AU starstarstarstar Australian Cash n/a n/a n/a
Custom Choice Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest (Closed) HOW0007AU starstarstarstar Bonds - Global / Australia -0.86% 3.40% 4.64%
DDH Cash (Closed) DDH0005AU starstarstar Australian Cash 0.71% 2.90% 3.43%
Deutsche Global Equity Fund (Closed) MGL0109AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend -9.35% -15.85% 4.71%
DirectMoney Personal Loan (Closed) OMF0022AU starstarstarstarstar Non Investment Grade Debt 1.66% 7.33% 7.72%
DWS Global Credit Fund (Closed) MGL0113AU starstarstar Bonds - Global 1.01% 5.40% 4.18%
DWS Global Small Companies Fund (Closed) MGL0005AU starstarstar Equity World Mid/Small -2.76% -26.88% -13.54%
Dynamic Australian Equities (Closed) ETL1574AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 2.64% 25.01% 7.36%
EQT Balanced (Closed) starstarstarstarstar Multisector Growth -5.39% 30.14% 0.20%
EQT Core Australian Equity (Closed) ETL0102AU starstarstarstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 10.80% -19.21% 0.80%
EQT Intrinsic Value International Shrmkt PLUS (Closed) ETL0057AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend 0.51% -8.79% -2.01%
EQT SGH Property Income (Closed) ETL0108AU starstarstar Equity Australia Real Estate 8.28% 14.32% 15.44%
Fidelity Europe Fund (Closed) FID0003AU starstarstar Equity Europe 16.49% 0.01% 8.40%
Fidelity FIRST Global Fund (Closed) FID4852AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend -3.36% 10.39% 9.14%
Fidelity Global Low Volatility Equity Fund (Closed) FID9876AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend -3.28% 2.33% 2.70%
Fidelity Select Global Small Capital (Closed) FID0012AU starstarstarstar Equity World Mid/Small 6.43% 6.54% 11.31%
Fidelity World Fund (Closed) FID0016AU starstarstar Equity World Large Blend -9.26% -25.73% -11.54%
First Sentier Equity Income Fund FSF1676AU starstarstarstar Australia Equity Income 0.95% 8.87% 5.60%
First Sentier Global Credit Income Fund FSF0083AU starstarstarstar Diversified Credit 1.79% 8.58% 3.38%
FirstMac High Livez (Closed) PER0561AU starstarstarstarstar Diversified Credit 1.84% 7.89% 5.22%
Firstmac High Livez Wholesale (Closed) PER0697AU starstarstarstarstar Diversified Credit 1.92% 8.36% 5.55%
Forager Australian Shares (Closed) starstarstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -2.35% 14.36% 12.10%
Forager Wholesale Value (Closed) WPC0003AU starstarstar Equity Australia Mid/Small Value -0.81% 2.66% 15.51%
Frame Futures Fund (Closed) MSC0001AU starstarstarstar Alternative - Macro Trading 5.68% 10.40% 6.13%
Franklin Templeton Australian Equity I (Closed) FRT0021AU starstarstar Equity Australia Large Blend 5.94% 28.21% 8.31%

2476 - 2500 of 3369 results

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