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3 things to check in your super fund statement

Over the next few weeks your annual super fund statement should arrive either by mail or email. It's worth taking a look at what it says - after all this is your money for retirement. And there are three key areas to focus on.

23 Aug 2021
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Collectables: Collect or forget?

The pandemic has dished up some unexpected side effects. With overseas travel off the cards, Australians are spending serious money on collectibles like classic cars and fine wines. But not all collectibles will make the cut as a good investment.

09 Aug 2021
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Bitcoin versus shares

Investment watchdog ASIC has made a shout-out to the investment industry . It's gathering ideas on how exchange traded products like listed investment companies, and even unlisted managed funds, can give investors exposure to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin while still providing a well-managed investment.

20 Jul 2021
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Time to rethink saving for a first home

The days of buying a first home as a 20-something could be over. Today's first home buyers are likely to be closer to age 40 than 20, and it has the potential to radically change the way Australians save a first home deposit.

02 Jul 2021
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Time for a portfolio health check

The end of the financial year can be a good time to review your portfolio. Asset markets don't stand still for long, and you could find your investment mix no longer reflects your appetite for risk.

24 May 2021
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