Loomis Sayles Global Equity Fund (Quoted Managed Fund) |
Investors Mutual Limited |
1 Oct 2021 |
Active ETF |
Monash Absolute Active Trust (Hedge Fund) |
The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited |
31 May 2021 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries (Total Return) Index over a full Market Cycle. |
Munro Global Growth Fund |
2 Nov 2020 |
Active ETF |
The objective of the Fund is to provide investors with meaningful, risk adjusted, absolute returns through exposure to global growth equities over the medium to long term, while maintaining a capital preservation mindset. |
Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund (Managed Fund) |
20 Jan 2022 |
Active ETF |
The investment return objective of the Fund is to maximise long term capital appreciation, by investing primarily in a concentrated long-only portfolio of companies focused on decarbonisation and climate change located anywhere in the world. The Fund aims to achieve a return greater than the MSCI All Country World Index (Net) in $A (Benchmark) over a 5 to 7 year period. |
Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund) |
3 Feb 2022 |
Active ETF |
The investment return objective of the Fund is to maximise long term capital appreciation primarily through exposure to a concentrated long only portfolio of growth oriented equities issued by companies located anywhere in the world, except Australia. The Fund aims to achieve a return greater than the MSCI World (Ex-Australia) Index (Net) in $A(Benchmark) over a 5 to 7 year period. |
Milford Australian Absolute Growth Fund (Hedge Fund) |
Equity Trustees Ltd |
16 Jan 2023 |
Active ETF |
The Fund's objective is to provide absolute returns with an annualised return objective of 5% above the RBA cash rate while seeking to preserve investor capital over rolling three year periods (net of fees). |
Magellan Global Fund (Open Class) (Managed Fund) |
Magellan Asset Management Limited |
29 Jun 2007 |
Active ETF |
The primary objectives of Magellan Global Fund are to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term, while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. |
Magellan Global Equities Fund (Currency Hedged) |
Magellan Asset Management Limited |
3 Aug 2015 |
Active ETF |
The primary objectives of the Fund are to achieve attractive risk?adjusted returns over the medium to long-term while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. |
Magellan High Conviction Trust (Managed Fund) |
Magellan Asset Management Limited |
11 Oct 2019 |
Active ETF |
The primary objectives of the Fund are to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term. |
Magellan Infrastructure Fund (Currency Hedged) |
Magellan Asset Management Limited |
18 Jul 2016 |
Active ETF |
The primary objective of the Fund is to achieve attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term, while reducing the risk of permanent capital loss. |
Montaka Global Extension Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) |
24 Jun 2020 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to provide investors with long term capital growth, with afocus on managing downside risk. The investment objective is not intended to be a forecast. It is only an indication of what the investment strategy aims to achieve over the medium to long term, assuming financial markets remain relatively stable during that time. The Fund may not be successful in meeting this obiective. Returns are not quaranteed |
Betashares Australian Cash Plus Fund (Managed Fund) |
BetaShares Capital Ltd |
22 Nov 2023 |
Active ETF |
Betashares Global Gold Miners ETF - Currency Hedged |
BetaShares Capital Ltd |
27 Jul 2016 |
VanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF |
Market Vectors ETF Trust |
24 Jun 2015 |
The Fund aims to provide investment returns before fees and other costs which track the performance of its Reference Index in Australian dollars. |
Montaka Global Long Only Equites Fund (Managed Fund) |
Perpetual Trust Services Limited |
19 Dec 2017 |
Active ETF |
The fund aims to provide investors with long term capital growth as well as income distributions of at least 4.5%p.a. through a portfolio of quality global shares and to outperform the MSCI World Net Total Return Index, in Australian Dollars over a rolling 5-year period, net of fees. |
Macquarie Core Australian Equity Active ETF |
Macquarie Investment Management Aus Ltd. |
13 May 2024 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index (Index) over the medium to long term (before fees). |
Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) |
Macquarie Investment Management Aus Ltd. |
7 Nov 2023 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to generate attractive returns by dynamically investing in global fixed income instruments. It aims to provide diversification against equity risk as well as capital growth and some income. |
Macquarie Core Global Equity Active ETF |
Macquarie Investment Management Aus Ltd. |
13 May 2024 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to outperform the MSCI World ex-Australia ex-Tobacco Net Dividends Reinvested Index in Australian dollars (unhedged) (Index) over the medium to long term (before fees). |
Macquarie Income Opp Active ETF (Managed Fund) |
Macquarie Investment Management Aus Ltd. |
7 Nov 2023 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index#(Benchmark) over the medium term (before fees). It also aims to provide higher income returns than traditional cash investments regardless of interest rates or economic cycles. |
MQ Walter Scott Glbl EQ Active ETF (Managed Fund) |
Macquarie Investment Management Aus Ltd. |
7 Nov 2023 |
Active ETF |
The Fund aims to achieve a long-term total return (before fees and expenses) that exceeds the MSCI World ex Australia Index, in $A unhedged with net dividends reinvested (Benchmark). |
Morningstar International Shares Active ETF (Managed Fund) |
Morningstar Investment Management Austra |
26 Aug 2019 |
Active ETF |
Aims to achieve capital growth over the long term, while minimising the risk of permanent capital loss, by providing exposure to listed international shares, supplemented by a passive currency overlay to reduce the risk of foreign currency price movements. |
Betashares Australian Momentum ETF |
BetaShares Capital Ltd |
22 Jul 2024 |
The investment objective of the Fund is to provide an investment return that aims to track the performance of the Solactive Australia Momentum Select Index (the 'Index'); before taking into account fees and expenses. |
VanEck Australian Property ETF |
VanEck Investments Limited |
14 Oct 2013 |
The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of ASX-listed securities with the aim of providing investment returns (before management costs) that closely track the returns of the Market Vectors Australia A-REITs Index (MVMVATRG). |
VanEck Australian Banks ETF |
VanEck Investments Limited |
14 Oct 2013 |
The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of ASX-listed securities with the aim of providing investment returns (before management costs) that closely track the returns of the Market Vectors Australia Banks Index (MVMVBTRG). |
VanEck S&P/ASX MidCap ETF |
VanEck Investments Limited |
14 Oct 2013 |