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ArchTIS rising as Australia builds cyber defences

As cyber security stocks rise in response to increased government investment in the sector, Alex Gluyas catches up with the CEO of archTIS, Daniel Lai, to discuss how the market has 'woken up' to the importance of cyber security, how COVID has accelerated the value of digital transformation, and the company's cash flow positive quarter and share price surge.

06 Aug 2020
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Investors preparing for August volatility

This week on Talking Finance, Alex Gluyas is joined by CoreLogic's Eliza Owen to discuss the July house prices figures, while Market Analyst at IG, Kyle Rodda, explains why investors are preparing for increased volatility in August. Partner at Deloitte Access Economics, Stephen Smith, explains why private business investment is set to fall 15% this year and Political Editor at Nine Radio, Michael Pachi, talks through the political fallout of Melbourne's stage 4 lockdown.

05 Aug 2020
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Brickworks poised to capitalise on warehouse demand

Alex Gluyas speaks with the Managing Director of Brickworks, Lindsay Partridge, about the increasing demand for industrial property and warehouse facilities, how COVID has impacted its Building Products arm in the US and how its large position in Washington H Soul Pattinson allows it to consistently pay out a dividend.

07 Jul 2020
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