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Paul's Insights: Hacking is not a victimless crime

It reads like something out of a sci-fi blockbuster. A man sits outside a Melbourne office block using his laptop. He keeps to himself and isn't noticed by passers-by. He's not interested in entering the building - but he's very interested in what's going on inside.

01 Jul 2019
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Paul's Insights: Rate cut spells time to shop around

The Reserve Bank's decision to cut the cash rate by 0.25% to 1.25% sees interest rates falling to new historic lows. But long before the Reserve swung into action, plenty of lenders had taken their own hatchet to home loan interest rates, and there are some exceptional deals up for grabs.

11 Jun 2019
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Paul's Insights: Growing super for longer

The 2019/20 Federal Budget has been handed down, and predictably, we saw some fine-tuning of the rules around super. But the news is all good - the latest changes will make it easier for older Australians to grow their retirement savings for longer.

08 Apr 2019
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Paul's Insights: The danger of stolen data

There was a time when crooks made off with television sets or jewellery - items that were easy to cart off and hock around town. These days, they focus on far more transportable stuff, like details of our personal accounts. And it's an all too lucrative business.

01 Apr 2019
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